Digital Trailblazer: Pavlina Pavolva, Public Policy Advisor, CyberPeace Institute (CPI)

We are excited to announce that our newest Digital Trailblazer honoree is Pavlina Pavolva. As Public Policy Advisor at the CyberPeace Institute (CPI), Pavlina uses her vast expertise at the nexus between technology, human rights, and security to protect cyberspace and promote equity in our digital spaces. She authored research papers on information control technology, platform governance, and content moderation presented at the Yale MacMillan Center, the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy of the Harvard Kennedy School, and the Stanford Internet Observatory. Through her role at the CPI, Pavlina also participates in the United Nation’s (UN) Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on information and communications technology (ICT) and the UN’s Committee tasked to draft a global cybercrime treaty. Exemplifying the values of the Digital Peace Now movement, she has dedicated herself to keeping our Internet an inclusive place for connection, opportunity, and inspiration.
How is this up-and-coming cyber policy expert having a positive impact on digital peace as a human right? Find out in our LinkedIn Live video interview by clicking the image below:
Do you know someone who makes our cyberspace a better place? Nominate them HERE so we can celebrate their amazing contribution to our digital world!